

  % place_cell -inst_name <inst_name> \
                 [-cell <library_cell>] \
                 -origin <point>] \
                 -orient (R0|R90|R180|R270|MX|MY|MXR90|MYR90) \
                 [-status (PLACED|FIRM)]


Use the place_cell command to place an instance at a specific location within the design. This can be used to pre-place marker cells, ESD cells, etc. which have a known, fixed location in the design and should not be moved by the automatic macro placer.

One of the -inst_name, -origin and -orient options is required. If there is no instance <inst_name> in the netlist of the design, then the -cell option is required, and an instance of the specified <library_cell> will be added to the design. If an instance <inst_name> does exist in the design and the -cell option is specified, it is an error if the instance in the netlist does not match the specified <library_cell>.





Specify the name of the padcell instance in the design.


Specify the name of the padcell when using a separate signal assignment file. A name is automatically generated if not specified.


Specify the name of the cell in the library to be added as an instance in the design.


Specify the origin of the cell as a point, i.e., a list of two numbers.


Specify a valid orientation for the placement of the cell.


place_cell -cell MARKER -inst_name u_marker_0 -origin {1197.5 1199.3} -orient R0 -status FIRM