# UCSD Prim-Dijkstra Revisited ``` shell Usage: ./pd_rev -h ------------------------------------------------------ UCSD Prim-Dijkstra Revisited coded by Kwangsoo Han and Sriram Venkatesh ------------------------------------------------------ -v verbose mode (1 - 4) -a1 alpha for PD (default: 0.3) -a2 alpha for PD-II (default: 0.45) -bu enable PD-II (default: off) -m1 Upperbound of max pathlength degradation in DAS wirelength minimization (default: 1.1 --> allow 10% max PL degradation for WL optimization) -f input file with pointset -hv enable HoVW Steinerization and Detour-Aware Steinerization (default off) ``` Sample input file: test.in ``` text Net FE_OFN298734_n20421 10 (Net NetName NumOfTerminals) 0 10672450 199765 (Index x_loc y_loc, index 0 is root) 1 10769055 425415 2 10861105 425270 3 10734350 308990 4 10762195 340095 5 10741025 374295 6 10844360 425415 7 10862030 415010 8 10724765 254415 9 10745900 326235 ``` ## Example runs: 1. run Prim-Dijkstra with alpha = 0.3 ``` shell ./pd_rev -f ./test.in -a1 0.3 ``` 2. run Prim-Dijkstra with alpha = 0.3 and PD-II with alpha = 0.45 ``` shell ./pd_rev -f ./test.in -a1 0.3 -bu 1 -a2 0.45 ``` 3. run Prim-Dijkstra with alpha = 0.3 and PD-II with alpha = 0.45 and HVW Steinerization and DAS ``` shell ./pd_rev -f ./test.in -a1 0.3 -bu 1 -a2 0.45 -hv 1 ``` ## External references - C. J. Alpert, W.-K. Chow, K. Han, A. B. Kahng, Z. Li, D. Liu and S. Venkatesh, "Prim-Dijkstra Revisited: Achieving Superior Timing-driven Routing Trees", Proc. ACM/IEEE Intl. Symp. on Physical Design, 2018, pp. 10-17. ## Authors - Kwangsoo Han - Andrew B. Kahng - Sriram Venkatesh Contact: kwhan@ucsd.edu, abk@ucsd.edu, srvenkat@ucsd.edu Affiliation: Computer Science and Engineering Department, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0404, USA ## License BSD 3-Clause License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.